Dr. Rebecca Knowles Bevis (PhD, DClinPsy, CPsychol, AFBPsS)
Independent Clinical Psychology and CBT Practice
Accredited Video Interaction Guider

e: rebecca@psychologyoxfordshire.co.uk


Pregnancy, birth and the multiple transitions of new parenthood are momentous events. They can be both intensely joyful and incredibly challenging, often at the same time. I have a special interest in perinatal mental health and wellbeing, and believe passionately in the importance and value of providing emotional and informational support to women and their families at this time of change. My focus is on the period from conception through to baby’s first birthday. I am able to support you with many aspects of this journey, including:

•    Pregnancy and pregnancy loss
•    Birth trauma
•    Discussing or debriefing a previous birth
•    Preparation for birth
•    Emotional impact of infertility
•    Exercising your choice and autonomy in maternity care services
•    Pre- and postnatal depression/anxiety
•    Preparing couples to become parents: expectations, relationships, self-esteem and communication
•    Relationship-focused preparation for parenthood using the Becoming Us ™model
•    Adjusting to parenthood
•    Parent-infant relationship/attachment difficulties  

The nature of this work means that it is often helpful to see mothers/mothers-to-be and their partners or infants together, but of course I also work with individuals seeking support for these issues.

If the problem relates to the relationship with or attachment to an infant, then I offer family sessions for one or both parents together with the child.  I am an accredited video interaction guidance (VIG) practitioner (see below for more information), and use VIG to support parents to make significant positive changes to their relationships with their children. I also use a gentle, child-centred model called ‘Watch, Wait and Wonder’ which focuses attention on the child’s spontaneous activity and play in order to enhance the attachment relationship between the parent and child, and to encourage reflection on the child’s inner world and the parent’s responses to him/her (see www.watchwaitandwonder.com for more details).


Video Interaction Guidance (VIG) is a method which aims to improve communication and relationships. Participants are closely supported to view and reflect on short edited video clips of real situations and personal interactions. The client-centred, sensitive approach enables people to become more aware of their skills and strengths in communication/relating, and to be empowered by the guider to build on these strengths, challenge assumptions, and make desired changes. 

VIG is an evidence-based method that has its roots in theories of attachment, mentalisation (mind-mindedness) and relational intersubjectivity. It also has a strong ethical base: at the heart of VIG is the understanding that relationships are built on respect, trust, hope, compassion, cooperation and appreciation. The approach enables change through self-modelling and video feedback in the context of a collaborative partnership between the participant and the guider. The key concept in VIG is attunement - between parent and child, but also between parent and guider. I am an AVIG UK accredited video interaction guider. 

What does VIG 'look like' in action? 

VIG takes place in cycles, each of which is made up of two sessions. In the first session, I will take a short video of some interaction between you and your child. I will help you to think about and prepare for this session in order to get the most out of the film. After the session, I review the footage in detail and will select a few clips and/or still images which relate specifically to your particular goals, and which illustrate moments where interaction was attuned and where things were "better than usual". In the second session, I will share these clips with you in a review during which we look at the edited footage together slowly and carefully, reflecting on what happened in the moment, and supporting you to see what you are doing that is making a positive difference to the relationship. This process is usually repeated for 3-4 cycles. 

Who can benefit from VIG? 

VIG was originally developed as a parent-child intervention with the aim of developing strong attunement and attachment between a child and caregiver. Today, it is used in a range of ways in educational and health settings, children's services and the criminal justice system. VIG is recommended in the UK by NICE (National Institute of Clinical Excellence) and it is also listed as a recommended intervention in the 1001 Critical Days cross-party manifesto. 

The principles and practice of VIG are very versatile and can be applied to pretty much any relationship and any age range. VIG can also be used initially to support two people (e.g., a mother and child) and then used systematically with extended family members or professionals working with the family. 

You can find out more about VIG and about AVIG UK here: https://www.videointeractionguidance.net



Motherkind Café

Motherkind Café is a free, weekly postnatal emotional support group for mothers. We launched in January 2019, and run every Friday morning from 10.30-11.45 at Flo's in Florence Park, East Oxford. We aim to provide a welcoming, open and safe space for mothers to come and just be with one another. It doesn't matter whether you are struggling a little bit, experiencing a significant mental health problem, having a bad day, or none of the above, whether you want to talk, or whether you just need to get out of the house for a little bit: Motherkind Café is for everyone. We operate on a volunteer peer support model, meaning that all of the volunteers who work at the café have their own previous lived experience of postnatal emotional difficulties, which means they really get it. Motherkind Café is not a clinical service: we aim to be a 'hub' where people can get information about what other services are available that might be helpful to them, and we work closely with other agencies and healthcare professionals to ensure a safe space. Babies are obviously very welcome, and toddlers too, but we can't accommodate school-age children due to the size of the room. We have plenty of toys and books, biscuits and tea, and Flo's also has a fantastic café and playground too, so you can come and make a day of it. You can find more information, including dates of any themed discussion weeks or guest speakers here: https://www.facebook.com/themotherkindcafe/

Nurturing Mothers 

I run an eight-week postnatal course for women at any stage in their journey through motherhood. 'Nurturing Mothers' has a focus on fostering self-compassion, self-care, and attending to your emotional needs as a mother in order to build resilience. My colleague, Dr Guinevere Webster, and I keep these groups small and intimate so as to foster a safe space and a strong sense of connection and community. The groups run several times each year, and are most suited to mothers whose babies are over six weeks old. Please contact me if you'd like any more information about the next course. 




Independent Clinical Psychology and CBT Practice
Dr. Rebecca Knowles Bevis (PhD, DClinPsy, CPsychol)

e: rebecca@psychologyoxfordshire.co.uk